what are the national standards for the size of furniture? Why choose a uniform standard size? Test database encyclopedia Jun take you to understand

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Inspectors in the process of inspection should not only be familiar with the different requirements of product inspection, but also know why the common sense of setting these inspection standards. The dining table is higher and the dining chair is lower in the furniture products, which is very inconvenient for people to use; Desk is too high, chair is too low, it will make people form a prone position, it is easy to cause people cervical spine problems and myopia. So, what are the national standards for the size of furniture? Why choose a uniform standard size? Test database encyclopedia Jun take you to understand.

National standards stipulate the height of tables and chairs

Table furniture height size standard can have 700mm, 720mm, 740mm, 760mm four specifications; Bench furniture seat surface height can be 400mm, 420mm, 440mm three specifications. In addition, the standard size of tables and chairs is specified, and the height difference of tables and chairs should be controlled within the range of 280 to 320mm.

Why set such a standard?

Because of the consideration of human health, the correct height of the table and chair should be able to make people sit in the two basic vertical: one is when the feet are flat on the ground, the thigh and the calf can be basically vertical. At this time, the front edge of the seat cannot form pressure on the lower thigh plane. Second, when the two arms naturally droop, the upper arm and the forearm are basically vertical, then the desktop height should just contact the lower plane of the forearm. This allows people to sit and write in the correct position.

On the contrary, if the table and chair height collocation is not reasonable, it will directly affect people's sitting posture, is not conducive to the user's health. To this end, the national standard also stipulates that the space under the table is not less than 580mm, the space width is not less than 520mm, which is to ensure that the two legs can have enough space for activity in use.

National standards stipulate the height of sofas

As for the sofa size, the national standard stipulates that the width of the single sofa seat should not be less than 480mm, less than this size, even if people can barely sit in, will feel narrow. The depth of the seat surface should be within the range of 480 to 600mm. If the depth is too deep, the lower leg can not sag naturally and the leg belly will be compressed. Too shallow, and you'll feel unseated. The height of the seat should be in the range of 360mm to 420mm, too high like sitting on a chair, feel uncomfortable; Too low, sit down and stand up will feel difficult.

National standards stipulate the height of wardrobe categories

In terms of the height of wardrobe hanging, the national standard stipulates that the distance from the top of the hanging rod to the top of the cabinet is 40mm to 60mm, which is a large waste of space; If it's too small, it won't fit in the hanger. The distance from the bottom of the hanging rod to the bottom of the cabinet should be no less than 1350mm for long coats and no less than 850mm for short coats. The depth of the wardrobe mainly considers the shoulder width factor, generally 600mm, should not be less than 500mm, otherwise it can only be slanting to close the cabinet door.

National standards stipulate the height of bookcases

There are also standards for bookcases. The national standard stipulates that the inter-layer height of the adjustment board should not be less than 220mm. Less than that, you can't fit a regular 32-folio book. Taking into account the display of magazines, albums and other large size items, the height between the shelves is generally selected from 300mm to 350mm.

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